Audio and Video Greetings

At TSP we take pride in servicing your musical and video messaging needs. We offer audio and video greeting services suitable for all occasions. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Valentines Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, Get Well and just a simple "I Love You" "If you can say it TSP can make it." We offer a variety of pre-recorded original music to choose from or we can help you create you own original musical selection. However you choose you won't loose. All of our products are original and designed with you in mind. AUDIO and VIDEO GREETINGS Your personalized message for that special someone with a musical and or video flavor all can savor. It's a gift that can last a lifetime. Stop looking for that card to help you say what you feel. No longer do you have to search to find the words that express your thoughts. Say what you want to say exactly the way you want to say it. Yes Your Words Your Voice Original and Personalized From your Heart To their Ears and Heart This is your AUDIO GREETING
Order Your Greeting Today

Please copy and paste your order form to our contact section below: then fill in the order form. Place a (Yes) by your request:
Client Name:
(For internal use only) Client ID #
Greeting Type:
Special Order
Pop, Rock, Jazz, R&B, Gospel, Other ________
Track length: Indicate Time :
Pre recorded (Stock Music):
Number of Participants:
Copies Yes or No
Indicate Amount:
Printing Options:
Graphics Y or N
Pre-designed (Stock Layouts)
Original design
on CD Jewel Case
Both B/W or Color
Photo Option:
B/W or Color